Blog Hunters
IF you are interested in our day-to-day Blog with some great photos and storyline please choose " Blog " from the overhead menu

Welcome to our home page for this great event. Yes, we're driving to Paris again…. but we decided, along with another 200 or so participants, to take the long way round. Through Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, Siberia, Ukraine and on….in a vintage Bentley……..Yikes !!
First one to Paris wins a bottle of Champagne! That seems like reason enough to go!

But, yes, there are some good reasons to go all that way. We are supporting the Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Charity at Childrens Hospital in Vancouver which in turns helps children in Canada and around the world. We ask you to visit these websites and if you can, give generously to Spring for Kids or SmileTrain. Your support is greatly appreciated.

We have close ties to the City of Whitehorse so we want to extend a warm, 'CALLOUT" along the way to our friends and supporters in Whitehorse, Yukon Terr. We've reserved some acreage on the rear of the car's boot to display that message to everyone we meet along the way.
The Strelzow Chariot

1936 Bentley 4 1/4L drophead
It's going to be 35 long days on the road, covering 7600 miles in 10 countries. We begin our journey from the Great Wall of China on May 28th and finish in the centre of Paris on June 29th. Our aim is to finish the race with the car and occupants intact and roll across the finish line at Place Vendôme, in Paris before any other competitor. This will mean, day after day of hard running during which we expect to come across some interesting, unique and demanding situations. Whether it be negotiating the hardships of the Gobi desert, the gravel perma frost back roads and mountains of Siberia or just getting past the border agents,( there are some interesting tales from the 2010 race). We expect it to be an adventure! We have spent the past two years preparing the car for all manner of challenges. We think we have considered and planned for all eventualities, (ha-ha) but in true Strelzow fashion we will EXPECT the UNEXPECTED -so then there are no surprises. There are 6 Canadian teams in total and three of them are from Vancouver. So watch for those Canucks.
You can see and read about the preparation process in the Car menu selection

The Peking to Paris Rally is organized by the 'Endurance Rally Association'. The 2013 running of the event is the 5th such recreation of the original rally held in 1907. You can read all manner of details regarding this race/rally from their web site. It contains a complete listing of all the participants as well as the route, itinerary and rally rules. During the event, which will begin May 28th 2013, The Peking to Paris rally website will publish results in realtime. Their site will track and post the locations of all participant via the onboard GPS tracking devices located on the vehicles of all competitors, fondly known as the 'The Yellow Brick'.
'The Blog' will be live from April '13 and updated regularly. There willl be regular update in this blog as we continue to prepare for the event and thereafter. We hope to be able to update it as frequently as we can during the rally…where and whenever we can find a WiFi or internet connection !! So stay tuned to the blog if you have an interest in this
Wish us luck!